Our Cairn Blog

You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Dangers of Invisible Fence

I get frequent questions about invisible fencing and whether it is appropriate for the Cairn Terrier. You will read that it is not appropriate for Cairns because they will accept the shock to chase a squirrel, but will not accept the shock to return to their yard. So the containment system doesn't necessarily work. What I didn't realize is the threat to your dog's safety, because it may keep your dog contained but does not prevent dogs or coyotes from entering your yard. We recently had a Cairn family member attacked at dusk in a St Louis suberb. She went out to potty and when she didn't return, her owner found her dead from a coyote attack. We do not recommend invisible fence containment systems for dogs that are left unattended. Particularly be watchful and never send your dog out to potty without supervision in the evening. Coyote attacks are common, particularly at dusk or evening hours.

Another note on fencing to prevent you from making the same mistake we did. Smaller Cairns can go through a standard picket fence. We planned an open feel to our extended yard but wanted a safety parameter for the kids and dogs. But the spacing is too wide for most of our Cairns and although they have a huge fenced yard, the acres beyond are always more interesting! I would recommend solid fence panels set at ground level. Cairns should then have supervision since they love to dig and may find a way under the fence if they get too bored.

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