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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Libby's tiny female puppy

My efforts to raise Libby's tiny female puppy are not looking promising. Although she has grown some, she continues to lag behind and shows signs of abnormalities. I tried to reassure myself by providing her feedings, antibiotics, and thought I had nothing to lose as long as she kept hanging on. But by 4wks of age, she is still only the size of a normal newborn. Her growth is not proportional, she has difficulty keeping herself upright, and at first I believed that she had neurological damage. I then discovered last night, that she is blind. I'm not sure what went wrong but she could have any number of serious complications which is not a good outcome. It's heart wrenching to make the decision, but Dr Gail and I have decided that her future doesn't look good and we should put her to sleep before she shows any sign of suffering.

It's times like these that shows that regardless of a breeder's love, compassion, and caring for a living being, sometimes nature has to take it's course. Even good breeders have bad things happen, it's part of nature, part of life, and we have to let go. For me, I just have to assure myself that I did all that I could and gave her a better chance than some would have given her. She has had an enjoyable life. She loves her milk and is never satisfied with her tiny amounts, so I would hold her and let her suck my pinky until she seemed satisfied. I enjoyed the time with her so much. I have just told myself that it's time for her to "go home".....

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