Our Cairn Blog

You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Puppy House Rennovations

I've been busy insulating and redoing the puppy house this week. Turning the building into a puppy house was an afterthought, then we realized it wasn't built to insulate. Keeping the temps stable without insulation was more than a challenge. We went through alot of propane in the winter, and it was impossible to keep cool in the summer. I want to rebuild a new facility, but until we decide how, where, and HOW, I'm going to insulate it and try to make it work a while longer. I want to ensure that the next time around, it's truly in the best of design and convenience. Here's a preview, I have about 1/2 of it done! Slowly but surely!

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