Our Cairn Blog

You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Human Allergies

We know that some breeds are considered hypoallergenic but I didn't understand fully what the terminology meant. I ran across this description with a list of breeds and I was amazed. There is quite a list of breeds! The Cairn Terrier is listed, however I didn't see the Norwich Terrier listed. They have the same type of hard coat, so I was surprised. I have severe environmental allergies and react with hives on my arms from our Doberman. But I do not react to the Cairn or Norwich. As this website states, no breed is 100% hypoallergenic. I also found it interesting that poodle crosses are not necessary hypoallergenic. So just crossing a poodle with a random breed does not mean the offspring are going to have the hypoallergenic characteristic, which is a reason some breeders may do these crosses. I always recommend to families that if you have allergies in the family, visit a breed in person before purchasing. There is nothing worse than having to give up a family pet after you've become attached when a member of the family can't tolerate them due to allergies.

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