Our Cairn Blog

You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

New Spay/Neuter Program

We're adopting a new program for spay/neuter at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers. Families who adopt a puppy from Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers will place a $200 deposit, that is refunded upon proof that their puppy has been spayed or neutered. We recommend that the spay or neuter be completed by 6 months of age. The attending vet will then send a letter citing the microchip number of the puppy, and the surgery performed. When we receive confirmation that the puppy has had it's surgery, we'll refund the $200 deposit. Although I'm not a fan of laws requiring all animals to be spayed or neutered, I do believe we have the responsiblity to do our part. Our program will give an incentive to keep buyers on track with timely spaying and neutering. It will also keep buyers honest in their intentions when they know they can not purchase a pet puppy and then breed it to produce "pure bred puppies without papers".

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