Our Cairn Blog

You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Puppies Puppies

We're very busy right now with 3 litters of puppies ranging from 1 to 5wks. Bridget's puppies are full of wags and licks and are getting more playful by the day at 5wks. Rainey's puppies are still very infant like, sleeping and eating. They just got their eyes open and are starting to explore their environment but can't walk yet at 3wks. Camille's puppies are 1wk now and have doubled their size. They eat and sleep and Camille watches them closely. New photos have been posted on the Puppies Page. We have 1 puppy available by Rainey. It's the remaining male puppy after choices have been made. Carmie is still available to a loving retirement home. Thea is expecting a litter and has puppies available for her upcoming litter.

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