Our Cairn Blog

You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Spoiling Your Dog and Behavioral Issues

Have you ever thought that by letting your dog sleep with you, eat with you, and sleep on the couch that you were just loving them and they appreciated it? Do you think they love you more by giving them special privileges? Spoiling your dog without rules and setting limits can be the start of behavioral problems that could lead to dangerous issues. There is a difference between loving them and spoiling them. A dog lives in a world of hierarchy and for many dogs, the goal is to raise their ranking or be the top ranking within the "pack". Particularly in the Cairn Terrier breed, they have characteristics of indpendence and dominance. This is why obedience training and maintaining your domiance is so important. Dogs rank lower than all family members, including the children. You eat before they do, you decide where they sleep (in a crate), and if you allow pets on your furniture, you decide when they can be on the furniture by inviting them there. This all establishes your dominance in the relationship. Practice obedience in your daily life. Tell them to sit before eating, going outside, before a treat, etc. Teach them to quietly stay in their bed when company comes, while you're watching TV, etc. I'm currently working with a rescue dog that thinks he ranks under me but above my kids. His ranking has created the issue of nipping children, and I'm trying to do all that I can to reduce his ranking in the family to below our kids. I have rolled him to his back and allowed my kids to hold him there in the submissive position. They show their dominance by feeding him, taking toys away from him, asking him to sit, and reward him with a treat. Here's an article that I found helpful about alpha personalities. Regardless of whether your dog has an alpha personality, all dogs should be given structure and rules. You can pamper and love your dog without spoiling it.

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