Color genetics have always intrigued me in horses. I owned a grullo gelding with the brindle gene. In horses, the brindle gene is so rare, there aren't enough horses in existence to trace the genetic marker. My favorite color is the grullo, a mousy color that is genetically a black horse with dun factor (dorsal stripe, leg barring, wither bar, tipped ears). They are of course the rarest color and very difficult to find. This intrigue about color genetics carries over to the Cairn, since color is the biggest unknown factor in the breed. From my own experience, I understand the brindle gene in the breed and they either have it or they don't. The brindle can vary from a very light color with only a few stripes in the undercoat, to a very dark color with lots of stripes and a very dark top coat. Bentley however, is a mystery. He is the only Cairn known to be his color of mahogany red with black points. He has not changed in color other than he's getting a few gray hairs with age. He produces about 97% brindle puppies, so he must have the brindle gene even though he does not have apparent striping in the undercoat. This is probably because his undercoat is too dark to see the striping. Canine color genetics is not yet fully developed, but they are working on the fawn & brindle genes as seen in the boxer breed. They can currently test for the black mask and I believe they can test for the brindle gene in the Cairn Terrier. Bentley is going to participate as a research dog and they will evaluate his color genetics. They may not have testing currently available to assess what he truly is genetically, but I hope he can be of value to their research. Isn't that just the coolest thing!!!?? :)
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