Ok, this is a Cairn Terrier blog, but I have to tell our friends about our new Doberman protection dog. I'm so impressed with the breed! I grew up with large breeds, and our first "child" was a German Shorthair who was so impressive with his advanced training. I taught him verbal and sign language commands and his mind set was so quick and responsive, he was eager to please! I could tell him to sit & stay outside of the grocery store (after walking him to the store), run in quick, and he'd still be in his position when I came back out. No one dared to come into our house without our knowledge. He wouldn't touch them, but would stand with his nose next to their hand growling, and they didn't dare take another step. Cairns have been a much different breed, and I had forgotten the characteristics I enjoyed that were different than a Cairn.
So, we bought this adult, trained, Doberman for protection. I researched breeds and because of the shorter coat to groom, and the fact they are such a family dog in addition to protection, I felt it was the best fit. Then we got hooked up with Zora. I can't believe how quickly she bonded to us!!! She understands so much daily language in addition to commands, and responds with amazing instinct! She gets very alert and can be dead asleep, hear something, and she's on the prowl ensuring that everything is secure! I tell you what, if she came running at me barking, I would climb a tree! And I'm comfortable with dogs!!!! LOL Chances are we'll never need to use advanced protection training. (at least I hope not) But it sure feels better to know she's on alert at a moment's notice. I'm so used to admiring the beauty of a quality Cairn. I'm not experienced with Doberman confirmation, but I admire her beauty! Her sire is an International Champion in Indiana.
So anyone looking for a family dog that has good instinct and is protective, I'd recommend looking into them! We just love Zora!
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