The developmental stage of chewing and nipping in puppies can be challenging to deal with. They may chew up items around the house, like your favorite pair of shoes. Their manner of play is with their mouth, so they are constantly going at you with an open mouth. Cairn Terriers have needle sharp teeth and it's painful to get nipped or scratched. Understanding how to respond will help you get through this stage.
First of all, use puppy gates and close doors, to give your puppy a safe play space. (also protect carpet areas from potty accidents) Ensure you have puppy proofed your home by removing dangerous items that a puppy could get into, just like you would for a child. Electrical cords should be put up, small items they could choke on, etc. By removing items they have access to, you can prevent inappropriate chewing. Offer lots of toys appropriate for their size to play with and chew, and keep them busy. Use the crate as a way to safely contain them when you can't actively watch them. But ensure that you're using it appropriately for crate training. (crating 24-7 is not appropriate crate use) The best times to crate are after a good hard play session when puppy needs to nap.
Having chew toys available is also the key to redirect mouthing and nipping. Never use your hands as toys, by allowing the puppy to chase and attack your hands or feet. When puppy mouths at you during petting, redirect them to an appropriate toy. Praise them for chewing on the toy. This article gives some good advice:
My only thought after reading about yelping and ignoring them to reduce nipping behavior, is that in essence the puppy is learning a way to dominate you by controling your behavior. Dominant dogs in a pack nip or growl to show their dominance, and submissive members retreat or roll to their backs to show submission. Although you aren't "rolling on your back" you are retreating. For Cairn Terrier puppies that have an alpha type disposition, I wonder if this could create problems over time? Chances are, the puppy is going to outgrow the nipping stage before problems could be created, but it's something to think about if you experience this behavior beyond the puppy stage. (if a Cairn growls or snaps when you're doing something they don't like, don't retreat! Take assertive control.) The dominant one in the pack would not retreat, but would respond with assertive control. Since dominance is more of an issue in the Cairn Terrier than shyness, I would just be aware of it. I personally have not been against flipping a puppy in the nose when they come at your hand, as an immediate response. I only use it when all other attempts have been exhausted and with the right timing, puppy thinks it "ran into your finger". The same strategy is used for horses. The quote of horse trainer Clinton Anderson is "Be as light as possible, but as firm as necessary" (in speaking about horses which I apply to all areas of life). If I were another puppy, I would bite back. Same for horses, if I were another horse I'd kick, and a kick hurts a heck of a lot worse than a whack with a handy stick (tool used in training horses). Some people are mortified that you would ever "hit" a horse. But you know..... horses who are owned by people like that are dangerous when they dominate their handler! I've seen a horse that flat ran over their owner and she couldn't control him at all. Then I heard her speaking in the restroom about how another trainer had "hit" her horse and how awful it was. I wanted to say "Maam, maybe if you'd 'hit' your horse once in a while, he wouldn't run over and try to kill you!" By the way, the hitting I'm referring to is with a handy stick, a light weight long stick that is used to control space around a horse. Horses that invade your space get a quick wack which couldn't hurt them if you tried. It's just a wake up call that they must obey your personal space. So with that, I guess you can understand my matter of fact view, that if a puppy repeatedly bloodies your hand and won't be redirected, it's time to take an appropriate firmer approach. Be as light as possible, but as firm as necessary. And by firm, it is never hitting for aggression or to hurt an animal, but is taking action to control behavior as strongly as necessary.
Our Cairn Blog
You'll find helpful information about the Cairn Terrier breed, breeders, care and training, and current happenings at Crooked Creek Cairn Terriers.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cooper II Available for Adoption

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Jamaican Vacation
The Good and the Bad of the Cairn Terrier
I found this article online and found it helpful information. "Cairn Terriers What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em" Not all Cairns fit the quick-to-bark, scrappy, and difficult personality description. However, as this article states, when you purchase a puppy it is not known what their personality may become. We can not see true personality at 8-9 weeks of age. So when shopping for a new addition, a family needs to take these characteristics into account when deciding on the Cairn Terrier. In general, my Cairns have been great with my young children, less barky, loving, and rarely scrappy. But some puppies we've produced have been that personality. The advantage of adopting an adult, is you that you already know their personality. So if you want to be more sure of the personality you will get, consider adopting an older puppy or adult.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Unavailable Feb 13-19
I will be unavailable February 13-19. If you are interested in upcoming litters or have questions about the Cairn, feel free to email me. I will reply upon my return. We're headed to the beautiful Jamaican Island for some sun and relaxation!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Invisible Fencing
I posted a blog back in August about the dangers of invisible fencing. I collect information from credible rescources such as rescue organizations and experienced Cairn breeders. I have read time and again, that Cairns should not be contained by invisible fencing. They are so driven to chase squirrels that they will accept the shock to chase a squirrel but will not accept it to come back into the yard. I stated in my blog that "you will read...." I didn't have a strong opinion about the invisible fence until our own Cairn family in St Lois let their Chloe out to potty at dusk. When she didn't return they went out to find her dead, attacked by a coyote in her own yard. Invisible fencing, even if successful at keeping your Cairn in your yard, does not keep predators or aggressive dogs from entering your yard. I therefore said that I do not recommend invisible fences for dogs left unattended. IN OTHER WORDS if you don't have the option of any other fencing, and you would like to excercise your dog off lead while you are watching them, then it may be a viable alternative. I simply have presented the facts. I got several emails from a man who owns a company that sells invisible fencing who was upset that I presented negative information about invisible fencing. Although he agreed that coyotes could come into your yard and kill your Cairn, he knew of coyotes getting into physical fencing as well, so he didn't think that was a good argument. I personally have never had or heard of predators or dogs getting into a fenced yard that the Cairn can not get out of. He stated that it is only ignorance that invisible fencing doesn't work. I don't agree with his arguments because I don't care if the fencing keeps your dog in your yard, it doesn't keep predators out. Here is where I obtained some of my information and I'm certainly going to find these sources more credible than someone selling the invisible fencing systems. I only want what is best for our Cairn Terriers.
“Cairns are NOT suited for invisible fencing because they will most likely take a "hit" in order to chase something through the fence. However, they won't take the hit to get back home. In addition, invisible fencing does not prevent attacks from larger dogs. Likewise, a Cairn should not be left tied out in a yard for the same reason.”
"No surprise then, that the Cairn, and other terriers, have a very high pain threshold… Therefore, the popular “invisible fences” should never be used to confine a Cairn. All the dog needs is to see a squirrel or rabbit beyond the fence boundary, and it is off on the chase. … In addition, any loose, aggressive dog can enter your yard with invisible fencing to attack, perhaps, kill your Cairn."
Rescue will ask if there is a fenced yard because these guys are so independent, and prey driven. If there is no fenced yard, Cairns must be exercised on a leash. Cairns are bred to hunt vermin and will take any opportunity to protect you from them, real or imagined. An invisible fence will not work on these guys. They will run through the "pain" to get what they want but they won't run through the "pain" to come back home.
I still stand by my recommendation that the best alternative for fencing is solid fence panels set at ground level. Cairns should never be left unattended for long periods because they will dig. But the solid panels would be the safest to keep out other dogs, predators, and give your dog a safe environment to exercise and do their business. If you do not have a fenced yard, keep your Cairn on a lead. Dogs tied out are also subject to being attacked by strange dogs or predators. Picket fencing should be set very close together, as our 4" space is wide enough for our 9-10lb Cairns to squeeze under/through.
“Cairns are NOT suited for invisible fencing because they will most likely take a "hit" in order to chase something through the fence. However, they won't take the hit to get back home. In addition, invisible fencing does not prevent attacks from larger dogs. Likewise, a Cairn should not be left tied out in a yard for the same reason.”
"No surprise then, that the Cairn, and other terriers, have a very high pain threshold… Therefore, the popular “invisible fences” should never be used to confine a Cairn. All the dog needs is to see a squirrel or rabbit beyond the fence boundary, and it is off on the chase. … In addition, any loose, aggressive dog can enter your yard with invisible fencing to attack, perhaps, kill your Cairn."
Rescue will ask if there is a fenced yard because these guys are so independent, and prey driven. If there is no fenced yard, Cairns must be exercised on a leash. Cairns are bred to hunt vermin and will take any opportunity to protect you from them, real or imagined. An invisible fence will not work on these guys. They will run through the "pain" to get what they want but they won't run through the "pain" to come back home.
I still stand by my recommendation that the best alternative for fencing is solid fence panels set at ground level. Cairns should never be left unattended for long periods because they will dig. But the solid panels would be the safest to keep out other dogs, predators, and give your dog a safe environment to exercise and do their business. If you do not have a fenced yard, keep your Cairn on a lead. Dogs tied out are also subject to being attacked by strange dogs or predators. Picket fencing should be set very close together, as our 4" space is wide enough for our 9-10lb Cairns to squeeze under/through.
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